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Choose from full-length episodes or shorter classroom videos, which each focus on a specific subject and critical learning standard. Educate youth by exploring a wide range of topics, from renewable energy systems and sustainability to vital fish and wildlife conservation. Pair each episode or video with a corresponding lesson plan to foster greater comprehension and form the next generation of stewards.
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Outdoor Recreation and Adventure
Earth & Environmental / Space Science
Wildlife Conservation
Energy / Physical Science
Natural Resource Science
Careers in Science
Select the content that suits you and your classroom needs from our diverse collection, arranged by category–Outdoor Recreation, Earth & Environmental Science, Wildlife Conservation, Energy/Physical Science, Natural Resources Science, Documentaries, Outdoor Initiatives, and Careers (in Science).
how to use ITO Curriculum
Into the Outdoors strives to simplify teaching, providing resourceful, engaging tools you need to educate the youth on all things outdoor education and sustainable stewardship. Simply search our episodes or classroom videos for lessons by grade and learning standards. We take the guesswork out of lesson planning and offer our own, free, accessible, and downloadable to educators across the globe.
What today’s educators are saying about Into the Outdoors
“These kinds of videos are scientifically based and they’re using real-world issues right now that students are interested in.”
“It connects kids with science and it connects kids with nature.”
“Into the Outdoors takes them right out to their environment where they’re learning, so you can learn about tropical forests or you can learn about your own forests.”
“There’s a great educational lesson plan that’s coupled with every video.”