The Wildlife Initiative for conservation education
The Facts
Today, more than ever, people are realizing that our dependency on fossil fuels continues to deteriorate the health of Planet Earth. And the science is simple to decode.
For the past half million years, atmospheric carbon dioxide has stayed below 280 parts per million (ppm). But in just the past 200 years, we’ve burned millions of years worth of the sequestered carbon extracted from the Earth in the form of coal and hydrocarbons. And today our atmosphere has now climbed to 418 ppm of CO2… and this major source of climate change continues to increase. So yes, our quest for energy has in fact altered the future of all living things on the Blue Planet.
Million Metric Tons of CO2
The Million Metric Tons of CO2 generated each year in America during combustion of fossil fuels to produce energy and for transportation. And 60% of it stays in Earth’s atmosphere as the major component of greenhouse gas and climate change.
Number of independent scientific experts from around the world that concluded there’s better than 95 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the increase in Earth’s temperatures over the past 50 years.
Independent scientific experts
The Problem
The reality of clean and practical renewable energy is far from reaching its full potential and making a significant difference in our collective future. Today, renewable energy only produces about 10% of Wisconsin’s power and about 20% across the country.
So it begs the critical questions; What vital steps will it take to move Wisconsin and the rest of the nation to 100% clean energy? And, where do we start to empower Wisconsin communities, leading businesses, and our citizens to move all of us toward this clean energy goal?
The Solution
The two vital steps in changing our renewable energy future begin with; 1) Educating the public and our next generation to think critically about renewable energy, 2) Giving them realistic solutions and pathways to connect with today’s renewable energy opportunities so they can become active stakeholders in helping achieve a clean energy future.
That’s why RENEW Wisconsin, Slipstream, and Into the Outdoors Education Network have partnered to launch the Renewable Energy Education Initiative. This program achieves those two vital steps by impacting millions of students in distance learning and classrooms, plus adults in households across Wisconsin, the Midwest, and the country with Emmy-winning television and renewable energy education that empowers them to shape the future of our planet.
But hold on. There’s one final part missing from this renewable energy education program… that’s you joining us and your peers as one of the crucial “content partners” and being able to have your face, voice and SME’s telling your renewable energy story to millions.
After you’ve seen below all the ways this nationally telecast television show and classroom curriculum connects with millions, go to the Partner With Us at the bottom of this page, then contact us to see what partnership level works best for you and for telling your energy story.
Hear what teachers and school administrators are saying about how our Emmy-winning programs empower students in classrooms across the county to think critically about renewable energy.
Partner With Us
The Into the Outdoors Education Network airs on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and is shared with public broadcasting affiliates through the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA). NETA’s distribution system reaches and presents educational programs to over 277 public broadcasting stations across 46 states. Each month, over 109 million people watch their local public TV stations. This educational television series is the only program to earn 18 Emmys from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for the top youth educational series in the Midwest. Your show (content funding partners) is aired three times a year for two years. But broadcast television is just part of this story… read on.
Despite the impressive broadcast television network, this program has stayed on the crest of the digital wave where more of today’s youth and young families watch media on streaming platforms. These “cable cutters” in Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z often watch their media on their smartphones and streaming platforms. That’s why ITO expanded the impact of this series by ensuring widespread viewing availability on platforms such as YouTube and on the ITO website. Both are accessible “on demand” anytime and anywhere with an Internet connection.
Each half-hour TV program has the opportunity to be supported by classroom education videos distributed to teachers and students along with free classroom lesson activities that encourage hands-on learning.
All of the educational classroom videos and lesson activities are offered free open-source nationally to every state/federal agency, organization/institution, and individual/family.
And finally, all of the entertainment and educational media content in this program uses key psychological and production elements that empower kids to think critically for themselves using their sensibility and value systems. Research shows that these sophisticated media and educational techniques can be 400% more effective at shaping someone’s perception about fishing as opposed to trying to tell someone what to think.
By now you can see how this program uses three proven pillars that engage today’s generation – television, online videos and peer-learning classroom activities combined with key strategies to create solutions and pathways for kids and their families to discover the science, innovation and technologies of today’s renewable energy. And when you look at the partners below, you may notice that one of the most important things missing from this program right now… is you.
So please take a moment to consider your vital role in empowering our next generation to think critically about renewable energy.
Distribution Partners