Search By Learning Standard

All of our learning material is open source for youth education and free to share!

Our lesson plans follow Next Generation Science Standards, many Common Core State Standards, and science learning objectives for middle school and high school students in grades 6-12. Topics support lesson plans and learning for grade level science concepts, several ELA standards, math, science career readiness and STEM foundations.

Increasing concerns about environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, sustainability practices, and endangered natural resources and wildlife brings a growing demand for outdoor education that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. Our programming is designed to help integrate environmental concepts into lesson plans to foster a stronger connection with nature and motivate young people to take action for its protection.

We work with professional curriculum writers to ensure classroom materials are relevant and meet appropriate grade level national education standards. The lesson plans are best used along with the corresponding full length episodes and shorter classroom curriculum videos noted in each lesson plan. The lesson plans provide students with real-world applications so they can connect learning with their every day lives. Episodes, curriculum videos and lesson plans are presented together by matching topic and all available for download when you open an individual video’s page on our website.

Below you can search and watch episodes and explore video lesson plans by Learning Standards made for classroom or at-home learning and adventure. 

Sustainable Ecosystems: Restoring Walleyes in Native Lakes

Sustainable Ecosystems: Restoring Walleyes in Native Lakes

Sustainable Ecosystems: Restoring Walleyes in Native Lakes

Dive into this "tail" of walleye conservation, as our Into the Outdoors Adventure Team member, Zach, discovers the ...
Safety and Etiquette: Becoming A Responsible Boater

Safety and Etiquette: Becoming A Responsible Boater

Safety and Etiquette: Becoming A Responsible Boater

Boating safety courses are essential for teaching new boaters about the rules of the waterway and how to safely ...
Women Reshaping Conservation & Hunting

Women Reshaping Conservation & Hunting

Women Reshaping Conservation & Hunting

Why are women becoming the fastest growing segment of hunters in America today? Their reasons for breaking the ...
Into Hunting and Conservation

Into Hunting and Conservation

Into Hunting and Conservation

Anyone, anywhere can get started hunting with the right tools and guidance! Hunting anywhere is challenging, ...
Getting Families Fishing

Getting Families Fishing

Getting Families Fishing

Okay admit it! Kids and even parents today can't seem to "disconnect" from their cell phones long often enough to ...
Into Family Fishing in Your National Forests

Into Family Fishing in Your National Forests

Into Family Fishing in Your National Forests

In this Into the Outdoors episode, witness the wonders you could experience while exploring our public lands as ...
Into the History of Wolves

Into the History of Wolves

Into the History of Wolves

In this Into the Outdoors episode, Adventure Team members, Zach and Mya, dive deep into the history and identity ...
Into Wetland Conservation

Into Wetland Conservation

Into Wetland Conservation

In this Into the Outdoors episode, we’re taking you to South Dakota to learn about how wetland habitats are being ...
Into Wildlife Rehabilitation: First Responders

Into Wildlife Rehabilitation: First Responders

Into Wildlife Rehabilitation: First Responders

If you found an injured wild animal, what would you do? There are many myths and misinformation about how to ...
Into Bringing Back Wisconsin’s Elk

Into Bringing Back Wisconsin’s Elk

Into Bringing Back Wisconsin’s Elk

Join us in this Into the Outdoors episode as we welcome the elk back to Wisconsin! But wait...maybe you didn’t ...
Into National Marine Sanctuaries

Into National Marine Sanctuaries

Into National Marine Sanctuaries

The earth's oceans are home to thousands of species of marine life, from tiny plankton to enormous humpback ...
Reconnecting Rivers & Invasive Species

Reconnecting Rivers & Invasive Species

Reconnecting Rivers & Invasive Species

Maybe it's only natural that us humans rarely think about how our actions today might impact others or the ...