Protecting Forests, Enhancing Lives

In Protecting Forests, Enhancing Lives two girls examine the perception that clear cutting forests is destroying the natural environment by visiting forests and professionals that work with production forests. What they find surprises them – the apparent destruction of clear cutting the trees is actually a method of forest regeneration and invigoration. They learn about the methods of several career foresters in their inquiry, and observe trees in all stages of growth, harvest, and transformation into wood products.

Learn more on this topic by exploring the links below:

Wisconsin’s logging history

Logging in the Great Lakes States 

“Track that Product” lesson plan and kit for teachers from LEAF

Logging careers

Deforestation vs. Forest Management

The information in our video and on this page was made possible by our educational partners.

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    Young Forests Initiative

    Forest to Finish

    Forest Products

    County Forests

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