Safety and Etiquette: Becoming A Responsible Boater

Boating safety courses are essential for teaching new boaters about the rules of the waterway and how to safely operate a boat, but there are some “unspoken rules” that all members of the boating community should know. From environmental responsibility to helping out your fellow boaters in need, responsible boating involves a lot more than just safety. Boating etiquette is something that is often learned through experience rather than in a classroom, so tag along with Captain Doug and his granddaughter as they head out on the Lake of the Ozarks to learn about proper boating etiquette.

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Protecting Our Aquatic Ecosystems

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Protecting Our Aquatic Ecosystems

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A River Reborn / The Ottaway, A River Reconnected

Rivers are like arteries, bringing life to the region surrounding them, washing away waste, purifying the environment with their biotic and abiotic processes.  Just...

Wild About Walleye

Welcome to Wild About Walleyes as part of our Getting Families Fishing Series. As you’ll discover in this TV show and related classroom videos, walleye fishing offers...

A River Reborn

Rivers are like arteries, bringing life to the region surrounding them, washing away waste, purifying the environment with their biotic and abiotic processes.  Just...

Into Family Fishing and Boating

Are you ready to get Into Family Fishing and Boating? As you’ll discover in this Into the Outdoors episode and related Into the Outdoors @Home topic videos, fishing and...

Crazy for Crappies

Okay, so there's several great ways to enjoy and share the fishing fun and education in this show. First, you can kick back with family or friends to watch this entire...

Into Boating Safety: How Life Jackets Save You

In this Into the Outdoors episode, we’re jumping into the science and importance of PFDs, or personal floatation devices – you know, your life jacket! Wearing a PFD can...

Making Your First Catch

Okay, so there's several great ways to enjoy and share the aquatic education and fishing savvy in this show. First, you can kick back with family or friends to watch...

Ripples in the Forest

So what makes a forest ecosystem dynamic and sustainable? Discover the answers by watching the four parts of this science show and reading the information below. And to...

Clovis Kids Cook-off

Welcome to Clovis Kids Cook-off as part of our America’s Conservation & Hunting Heritage Series. As you’ll discover in this video, our hunting heritage offers you...

The Ottaway, A River Reborn

This page offers a chance for you to see the entire Emmy-winning film in HD. It also provides link to the classroom educational films and lesson activities related to...

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