Sustainable Ecosystems: Restoring Walleyes in Native Lakes

Dive into this “tail” of walleye conservation, as our Into the Outdoors Adventure Team member, Zach, discovers the significance of this species culturally and environmentally. Zach talks with environmental experts, tribal members and state representatives to learn more about the threats walleyes are facing in today’s changing climate.

On this journey, viewers will learn about the impacts of altered habitats, recreational fishing impacts, and the actions all stakeholders are taking to mitigate those impacts. Through collaboration efforts, tribal, state and federal agencies are working together to restore and support walleye populations in Wisconsin lakes.

So join us to learn how you can be part of the solution.

Learn important boating and watercraft safety lessons along with the characters in this fun quiz show format. Savvy Seagull makes sure you’ll remember the US Coast Guard’s important rules and tips you’ll need for passing a boating safety certification exam to receive a boating license!

Full Video

Classroom Videos

Analyzing the Data: Walleye Management Leads to Sustainable Harvest

How Fish Hatcheries Help Restore Declining Populations

Classroom Assets

Fish Hatcheries

Mark and Recapture

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