Could you survive this gauntlet of physical and mental tests? Discover the answers by watching the four parts of this science show and reading the information below. And to take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activities at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

Better grab your energy bars, extra water, sunblock and adventure gear if you hope to keep up with our ITO kids as they embark on one of the biggest adventures of their lives in The Amazing Eco-Trek Race. Josh, Caroline, Emma, and Jacob begin a gauntlet of physical and mental tests where they are scored on how they face challenges in four environments across Wisconsin. From paddling, to caving, to Hunger Games archery, and biking, they discover new things about their physical limitations while learning many of nature’s secrets in some wild places. Their amazing race offers some unexpected twists and turns as fear, doubt, and fatigue creep into the competition. See who makes it to the finish line and what they learned along their remarkable journey.

To see why someone would want to Become an Archery Superhero, or, try their own style of Hunger Games, check out this video and website from our science education friends at Untamed Science…

When you’re ready to take your own eco-challenges, have your teacher download one of the free classroom Lesson Guides below that go with this video adventure! (Unlike many of our Lesson Guides, this series is meant to be used with the 4 Parts of the main video and they do not have their own individual Serious Science videos.)

Plus, the educational partner noted below supported the video content here for all of us to learn about safety in the outdoors.

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