Into Bringing Back Wisconsin’s Elk

Join us in this Into the Outdoors episode as we welcome the elk back to Wisconsin! But wait…maybe you didn’t even know they left? 

Elk were completely eliminated in Wisconsin for over 130 years due to unregulated hunting and loss of habitat, but in recent years, restoration programs, conservation groups and Native tribes have worked together to successfully reintroduce elk to wilderness areas where they once roamed. 

Watch as Adventure Team members Zach and Aubrey investigate what makes these animals important to the Ojibwe tribes, and how conservation, treaty rights and public lands played a role in their return.

In this Into the Outdoors episode and related Into the Outdoors @Home topic videos, we learn how and why the Ojibwe tribes worked so hard to bring the elk back to Wisconsin. We also learn about Native American Treaty Rights and their impact on the elk reintroduction.

Find links to the Into the Outdoors @Home topic videos below. These custom learning videos are designed to share with your entire classroom. You’ll also find other educational content, including custom lesson activities that blend peer-driven learning and hands-on activities.

The information in our video and on this page was made possible by our educational partners.

    Full Video

    Classroom Videos

    Ensuring Elk Herd Health

    Conservation and Stewardship Explained

    Native American Treaty Rights

    Return of the Omashkooz

    Classroom Assets

    Technology and Wildlife Conservation

    Elk Walleye Monarchs and More

    Treaties Lifeways and Elk

    Return of the Omashkooz

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