Into Safe and Smart Boating – Part 2

As you’ll see in this television episode, parents like to show how much they know… or what they think they know. We get it. It’s part of being a parent. So watch and learn how to use simple quizzes to test their boating safety savvy while also making them aware of key boating safety points… such as:

  • What are 3 smart reasons for putting on your PFD before getting on the dock or your boat?
  • What are 3 important things to have on board before leaving the dock? And ask them “why” certain safety gear is important.
  • What is an “engine cut-off switch? And how and why is it used?

Help them build on their knowledge – Parents are supposed to have more life experiences than their kids, that should equate to more safety smarts. So ask them to use that experience to create a Family Float Plan… even if they don’t what a float plan is. Simply ask them to imagine what could go wrong on a boating adventure, then how to minimize those risks with a float plan. Have then write it down… which is part of actually creating a float plan.

Blend boating “fun” with boating “safety” – Once you’re out on the water having fun, boating, fishing or whatever, present a few more quiz competitions (maybe the loser buys ice cream at the end of the day) Consider some of these critical quiz questions:

  • If 79% of fatal boating accident victims drowned … what percent were not wearing a PFD? (answer? 86% were not wearing a life jacket)
  • What’s the number one way for Prevention From Drowning? (answer- always wearing your PFD.)
  • What types of vessels recorded the highest percentage of deaths? (answer – Open motorboats, less than 21 feet)
  • What’s the leading cause of drowning? (answer – falling overboard)
  • If 70% of deaths occurred on boats where the operator didn’t get boating safety instruction… what’s the smartest thing a parent can do? (answer – do what it takes to get a nationally-approved boating safety education certificate)

Want to really “plunge headlong” into getting your parents and classmates into having a blast learning about boating safety? (That’s right, you are allowed to have fun learning how to be safe on the water). Learn more on sharing the peer-driven classroom video and the FREE lesson activity that’s designed to get the entire class involved in three days of interactive learning… while having a blast with kid-parent-instructor role playing in school where everyone gets ALL ABOARD with boating safety! And check out the other boating safety videos in the thumbnails… in the upper right window.

The FULL VIDEO is 25 minutes of boating safety information that may help save your life. The classroom video is under 5 minutes long. 

The information in our video and on this page was made possible by our educational partners.

Full Video


Family Boating Safety 

Classroom Assets

Pre Video Qs Fun Fest

Fun Masters Worksheet

Dock Masters Worksheet

Boat Masters Worksheet

Consequences Masters Worksheet

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