History shows that rivers are essential to building thriving communities, but who does a river really belong to? The Ottaway describes the life and livelihood a river provides to both human and natural communities through the perspectives of all who depend on it. Explore with your students the struggle for balance and viability that humans must mitigate to both use rivers to support cities and keep natural areas healthy for wildlife.

Who speaks on behalf of communities, both human and wild?

How do managers balance opposing stakeholders and agencies?

Nothing lasts forever, especially dams. Not planning for the future is full of consequences and surprises

Who determines the worth of a river and what values do they use?

Wetland habitats are great natural resources for wildlife, crops and even carbon sequestration. Preserving these natural habitats benefits both wildlife, humans and the environment. Join us as we learn more about how private landowners in the Prairie Potholes region are preserving these habitats through conservation efforts.

Hold onto your hats because this fact might just blow you away! Did you know that hunting waterfowl actually helps protect our wetland habitats? In fact, funding from hunting licenses is one of the biggest contributors to wetland conservation. And thanks to the new two-tier license system in South Dakota, getting involved in duck hunting just got easier!

Join us as we learn about the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and how youth duck hunters are getting involved in conservation efforts.