When getting into bowfishing, what type of gear and license do you need?

What are some of the species you can target? 

Find out with our Adventure team!


Check out our action packed bowfishing videos!
Want to be in the know, when it comes to bowfishing, check out these "How To" videos to learn more!

See those flying fish? They’re silver carp.

A serious fresh water invader. And if you’ve ever thought of bowfishing, they present a unique blend of aerial shooting with archery gear while helping curb this invasive menace.

Come along as we learn how to shoot properly for aerial shooting.


Check out our action packed bowfishing videos!
Want to be in the know, when it comes to bowfishing, check out these "How To" videos to learn more!

Bowfishing without a boat via wading.

This introduction to bowfishing for youth doesn't require a lot of equipment to get started.

Check out our action packed bowfishing videos!
Want to be in the know, when it comes to bowfishing, check out these "How To" videos to learn more!

From the tiniest of aquatic life to the largest creatures in the ocean, all are connected by a giant food web. In Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, this is no exception. With species like salmon that connect their food web to freshwater species and saltwater species, this can get a little confusing! Untangle this web with us as we learn how all species are connected, and how the health of these ecosystems are managed by the US Forest Service!

Learning a new outdoor skill, like fly fishing, often teaches you a lot more than just how to fish. In the process of conquering a new technique, you also build character and patience, along with other valuable skills that relate to everyday life. These are skills that have been passed on through generations, often from parent to child. Join this father-son duo on their fly fishing adventure in the Tongass National Forest and discover the benefits of learning to fly fish.

In this Into the Outdoors episode, discover the art of fly fishing and how this activity can be enjoyed at any stage of life. We follow the story of a young kid, his dad and grandpa as they venture into America’s Last Frontier — the Alaskan wilderness. Together, on the banks of a river in the Tongass National Forest, they use one of the oldest methods of fishing to catch an astounding thirty fish, everything from cutthroat trout to silver salmon. Between casts, you’ll learn about ecosystem science, aquatic biology and history while getting a firsthand look at the wildlife wonders in our nation’s largest National Forest. So what are you waiting for? Dive into this fly fishing adventure!

On this Into the Outdoors episode, we catch our dinner!

Bowfishing combines hunting and fishing.

Our sights are set on invasive species in the Potomac River near the Virginia-Maryland border.

This is a family outing with a twist. First, we will bowfish and then, we will learn how to fry up our catch for a fish fry.

We learn more about all of the different species of fish you can target while bowfishing, including large goldfish!


Check out our action packed bowfishing videos!
Want to be in the know, when it comes to bowfishing, check out these "How To" videos to learn more!

On this episode of Into the Outdoors, our Adventure Team discovers the wild world of bowfishing for silver carp.

Hang on to your hats as we learn how to catch these invasive fish with a bow, not a rod!

This episode is action packed as we highlight the importance of aerial shooting with archery gear and how it helps curb this invasive menace in Indiana.


Check out our action packed bowfishing videos!
Want to be in the know, when it comes to bowfishing, check out these "How To" videos to learn more!

There are many benefits to spending time outdoors and interacting with the natural world in new, challenging ways. Join this adventurous family as they head out into one of America’s National Forests for an angling trip where they connect with nature and an abundance of wildlife. Building this appreciation for the outdoors creates new environmental stewards that can protect these ecosystems for generations to come.

In this Into the Outdoors episode, witness the wonders you could experience while exploring our public lands as you watch four family fishing adventures taking place in our National Forests. From reeling in a monstrous fish to taking in the remarkable wilderness scenery, share in some magical moments that create strong family bonds to last a lifetime. In the end, you'll discover what awaits you and your family when fishing in YOUR National Forests.