How does data influence the overall management of an entire species? It’s simple. Data collected by tribal, state and federal agencies shows the story of what is happening to walleye populations over time, and by analyzing data on their age, sex, condition and size, experts can learn a lot about what is causing the population to decline. This data helps the experts create a thorough management plan to restore and maintain a sustainable population of walleye in their native lakes. It also allows state officials to set proper harvest quotas for state anglers and tribal fishers that prevent too many fish from being taken from the lakes. Learn more about how data plays a role in conservation and sustainability in this educational video!

What are fish hatcheries and how do they help restore declining fish populations? Join our Adventure Team member, Zach, as he tours a tribal fish hatchery in northern Wisconsin to learn about the step-by-step process of fish hatchery management, from egg collection to eventual release into lakes. This process is considered a temporary solution that helps restore populations of species like the walleye in their native lake ecosystems, but the ultimate goal is to have these species reproduce a sustainable population on their own. Learn more about the hatchery process, fish life cycles and ecosystem sustainability in this educational video!

Dive into this "tail" of walleye conservation, as our Into the Outdoors Adventure Team member, Zach, discovers the significance of this species culturally and environmentally. Zach talks with environmental experts, tribal members and state representatives to learn more about the threats walleyes are facing in today's changing climate.

On this journey, viewers will learn about the impacts of altered habitats, recreational fishing impacts, and the actions all stakeholders are taking to mitigate those impacts. Through collaboration efforts, tribal, state and federal agencies are working together to restore and support walleye populations in Wisconsin lakes.

So join us to learn how you can be part of the solution.

Are scrap tires a "waste material"? Maybe at one point they were, but not anymore! Scrap tires have found a second life, a way to be reused after their initial purpose. After tires are worn out and become unsafe to drive on, they are recycled for a variety of different uses. Join our Adventure Team member as she discovers all the different ways scrap tires are being repurposed!



What happens when a tire is no longer usable? Where does it go? Join Into the Outdoors
Adventure Team as we investigate sustainable solutions for scrap tires.

Every year over 300 million tires are discarded in the US. In the past, they were thrown into
landfills or dumped illegally. That’s a lot of waste! But today there are many ways scrap tires
can be reused or recycled. The ITO Adventure Team travels to Michigan, Colorado and
Minnesota to learn how scrap tire disposal is being managed. We learn why illegal dumping is
hazardous to human health and the environment.

In Minnesota, we learn about Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA). It’s durable, light-weight,
permeable, and can be used in a variety of engineering and construction applications. It
prevents frost heaving, solves sinking soil issues, and can even be used to help clean storm-
water contaminants.

In Michigan and Colorado, we discover several other products made from scrap tires. Tires can
be shredded into different sizes for use as landscaping, molded products, road coverings, and
more. It can also be processed into Tire-Derived Fuel, which provides even higher BTUs than

Sometimes environmental issues feel like mountains, but with creative ideas and working
together, we can make a difference! If we can find sustainable solutions for a material like
tires…what other environmental solutions can we come up with?!

In this Into the Outdoors episode, Adventure Team members, Zach and Mya, dive deep into the history and identity of wolves.

They talk with a variety of environmental experts about the relationships with wolves in different ecosystems as well as the cultural significance to the Ojibwe tribe.

Viewers will learn along with Zach and Mya as they find out if the big bad wolf is actually bad or a big help to the environment.

In this Into the Outdoors episode, Adventure Team member, Zach, heads out into his community to learn more about sustainability and his role in creating a healthier environment.

He investigates the causal relationships among humans, wildlife and the environment to learn about human impact on our planet.

Viewers learn along with Zach as he talks with wildlife experts, volunteers and corporate professionals to learn about the importance of sustainability at the individual, community and corporate levels.

What is corporate sustainability?

Corporate sustainability is when large businesses focus on lowering their environmental impact to protect wildlife and the environment.

But what does this look like in action?

Join Adventure Team member Zach, as he heads to Quad to learn about the circular economy and the role large corporate businesses play
in protecting our planet.

But that’s not all! We’ll also hear from a young environmental steward about how to get involved as an individual in corporate sustainability.

How do our actions as an individual impact the environment and wildlife?

Well, we may only be one person, but our actions matter. Our actions have causal relationships with the environment, so it’s important to take responsibility and practice good sustainability and stewardship!

Join Adventure Team member Zach, as he learns about how our daily habits impact wildlife in our communities and the environment as a whole. No matter
where you live, your actions have an impact on the environment.

You might think technology and water don’t mix, and in most cases you’d probably be right, but there are a lot of technologies that are specifically designed to aid you in the case of a boating accident! Have you heard of a personal locator beacon? How about an emergency position