Have you ever wondered where the fuels that power our vehicles comes from? Or, have you thought about how they turn syrupy black crude into the clear gasoline and fuels that drive our society? Well, ponder no more. You're about to get a serious introduction to the science and technology of refining and transporting hydrocarbons.

There are two ways to learn here: You can simply watch this "Emmy-winning" video above or read more of the background information below. Doing both can double-up on your smart meter. As a side note, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences was so impressed with this production, that they awarded it with the Emmy for the top Youth Educational Program-Series in the Midwest. Woo-who! A big shout-out to our ITO youth scientists shown here with their well-deserved Emmy at the awards ceremony in Chicago. See the video to the right.

Before we get started however, let's consider your previous knowledge base about the petroleum industry. Chances are you've likely "learned" more about the oil industry from the news than from hard science sources. One of the rules of being a scientist is knowing how to evaluate potential bias of your information sources (including us). And news by it's very nature focuses on negative events cast in extreme situations. So it's little surprise that the news about the oil industry is sometimes presented in a negative light. Oil spills make for dramatic news stories, yet we seldom if ever hear about how the industry plays a vital role in powering almost every segment of our industrial society. Without it, we'd pretty much grind to a halt. Consider that as you begin "refining" your own critical thinking by exploring the science and technology here that begins to decode refining and transporting the fuels that make our modern lives possible.

Let's start by digging into the science behind the formation of crude oil. Did you know that crude oil was formed from the decomposed body parts of ancient marine organisms?  We're talking real tiny stuff here like algae and other microscopic organisms such as zooplankton. Nope, there's no dinosaur juice or ancient forests in that formed oil.

One of the keys to this ancient marine life eventually becoming oil is being trapped in a sediment layer. This layer also had to be free from oxygen in an “anaerobic” environment to prevent scavengers from eating them. As more accumulating sediment layers buried their body parts deeper, pressure and heat essentially “cooked” their organic matter into hydrocarbons. And that's how crude oil was formed. Despite the common misconception, an "oil reservoir" in the ground isn't a giant cave in the earth filled with oil. Instead, the oil in a reservoir rock is located in the tiny interconnected pore spaces in the rock. In fact, some rocks such as sandstone, can have up to 30% porosity, or interconnected pores spaces for oil to occupy and flow through. See for yourself sometime by filling a cup with sand, then slowly pouring about a half cup of water into it before it overflows. The water seeped into the 50% "porosity".

Once a reservoir is drilled into and the crude produced, it needs to be refined. Crude oil straight from a well by itself isn't useful for much of anything. Oh sure, it will burn, or mess up your clothes. But it sure won't fly a jet or run in your vehicle. Rather than try to explain the whole process, you're better off watching the video above as you join our science team as they explore the entire process at Pine Bend Refinery, one of the most complex refineries in North America. As you'll see in the video, with the help of Flint Hills Resources engineers, they reveal the chemistry behind crude oil and touch on why it's vital to so many aspects of our lives.

As you'll see, one of the early phases of refining is the process of "fractional distillation" where they "cook" off the various hydrocarbon fuel "fractions". Yeah, it sounds confusing. But watch the video for a refined picture of how it all works. You’ll also get to see how the refinery’s very own version of mission control operates this complex refinery that's the size of a small city. You'll also learn how refinery experts use physics and technology in the refining process to remove impurities such as sulfur. They also use combinations of catalysts along with heat and pressure to enhance chemical reactions.

What do Legos have in common with oil refining? As you'll see in the video, they help conceptualize the refining process of “cracking” longer, heavier hydrocarbon chains of molecules into shorter chains that make up various fuels such as gasoline and jet fuel.

As you'll also see, it's pretty hard not to notice the steam coming out of some of the refinery towers. We know that steam comes from water and that fresh water is a precious resource. So our hosts also live up to their name of Into the Outdoors by getting to the bottom of how Flint Hills Resources manages, recycles and protects the water resources they use.

All these refined fuels eventually need to get from the refinery to the industries and businesses that use them, right? We sure can fill up our cars at the refinery. So pipelines offer the safest and most reliable method of transporting those fuels to all the various distribution points in society. That's why our team decodes all the pipeline connections, with the help of various engineers while exploring the physics behind transporting fuels via pipelines. Because pipelines span huge distances across all kinds of environments, our video team also digs into the technology engineers use to monitor pipeline integrity to prevent leaks and how they repair pipelines that need attention.

To dive deeper into all this the science and technology, watch the video above as your primer on the topic, then expand your learning by sharing the Discussion Guide (coming soon) with your teacher and classroom for some serious peer-driven learning.

And to learn more about refining and transporting petroleum products, visit the links of the educational partners that supported this episode.

When you think about mining, you probably think about minerals like gold, diamonds, or copper. But sand? What is so special about the sand deposits in Wisconsin and why has the sand mining industry grown so tremendously here in the Upper Midwest? Put on your hard hat and let’s decode the science of the frac-sand industry.

Why is all this sand in the Upper Midwest and what is the sand being used for? The first section of the video will help you solve those mysteries and more. The quartz sand mined in Wisconsin is especially pure due to its position at the shoreline of ancient seas. Waves pummeled the sand for millions of years, cleaning it of impurities and causing each grain to take on a rounded texture. Only clear, rounded sand grains can be processed by the mining company and sold for a variety of uses. What is this sand
used for? Watch the video to find out.

The second section of the video explores how the sand is actually mined. The investigative team finds out how sand is accessed and transported by interviewing a mining expert. Cedric, back at mission control, is not satisfied. He requests that the team asks a tough question about airborne sand that can cause a serious medical condition called silicosis. Emma and Josh ask experts about what Unimin does to keep their employees and surrounding communities safe from this dust, as well as manage the water they use in their operations.

The resident scientist at Unimin explains the process of reclamation in segment three. Reclamation means taking land that has been altered and managing it to match what it was like before mining took place. Unimin reclaims as they mine. They analyze the land before they ever dig so that they can recreate the original topography when mining is complete. Bulldozers move topsoil to areas in need of reclamation and workers plant native seeds to match the original habitat.

Segment four highlights the story of a species that has benefitted from Unimin’s sand mining operation. The Karner Blue Butterfly is an endangered species that prefers sandy soils with healthy populations of a beautiful purple flower called lupine. Unimin planted lupine throughout the areas it reclaimed and scientists have observed higher numbers of this small butterfly after reclamation compared to surveys conducted before mining started.

The investigative team has one final task in segment four. They need to ask critical questions about the impact of the sand mine on the local community. Josh and Emma sit around a bonfire with local kids who discuss their thoughts on the sand mine. Perhaps, like the kids, you’ll come up with your own conclusions about sand mining after watching the video below.

To dig further into the more Serious Science of industrial sand mining, explore these videos and companion lesson activities:

The educational partner listed below supported the video content you see here. Visit their page to learn even more about their sand mining operation.

How would you decode this earth science mystery?

Geo-scientists ran into a glacial mystery when their mapping of glacial material called "drift" revealed an area in western Wisconsin that didn’t have any glacial drift material. They named the place the driftless area. But what really made this driftless area such a mystery was that the entire area of 15,000 square miles was surrounded by drift. This meant that glaciers went entirely around the driftless area but didn’t cover it. Are you kidding? How was that possible?

To find out some of this mystery, watch this video. To really "get with the drift" of what happened here over the past 2.5 million years, take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activity at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

Okay, here's the deal. When glaciers advanced across Wisconsin, they reshaped much of the landscape. The thick ice carried boulders, sand, and gravel as it advanced. And when it finally melted and retreated, it left behind all that material. Scientists called it “glacial drift.” This glacial drift of sand, gravel, rocks and boulders covers the ground where the glaciers once were. Earth scientists map areas where this drift is present to recreate the history of glacial activity.

To get the rest of the this story, click "Learn More" below here. Or, if you have the time, also watch the amazing half-hour Emmy-winning documentary from our educational buddies at Untamed Science on "Mysteries of The Driftless". Just click on the movie in the upper right window. We bet you a bag of popcorn that you don't "drift off" while watching it!

These educational partners supported the video and lesson content here for all of us to learn from. They also offer lots of other learning opportunities on their websites. So check them out!

Society, as we know it, would be a lot different if we didn’t have pollinators. Many of the fruits we consume simply wouldn’t exist without them. In fact, the majority of plants are pollinated by what are called “biotic”, or living, pollinators. These include bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, and even bats.

How do these animals help plants reproduce through pollination? To answer that question we need to become botanists, or plant scientists, and take a closer look at flowers.

Flowers contain a stigma, or the female reproductive part of the plant. The stigma is smack dab in the middle of a flower and is something of a bulls-eye for biotic pollinators. Pollinators find the flower and settle upon the stigma to consume nectar. These creatures brush up against the pollen grains found on the stamen, or male reproductive part of the plant. When this pollen sticks to pollinators, the flower has done its job.

The pollinators, lured in with tasty nectar, now carry the pollen grains with them as they visit other flowers. And when those pollen grains contact the stigma of a flower that belongs to the same species…voila. A new plant is born.

Some plants use nitrogen fixation to gather the nutrients from the soil and almost all plants use the process of photosynthesis to make food from the sun. Not sure what these are? Well, watch the video to find out.

Check out this Serious Science video to learn more about these creatures who help feed the world. You’ll also join Caroline and Josh as they investigate the science of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis. To take your learning even further, download the lesson activities below. Your teacher can download the lessons for free and you can blossom into a plant scientist in no time flat.

If you’ve ever ridden in a car, then you’ve been transported using the combustible chemical reaction of the renewable biofuel called ethanol. Well, at least 10% of your ride, anyway.

The ethanol story begins with a single kernel of corn in the springtime. But rather than tell you the whole story, you can learn by watching the video above. This overview depicts how that single kernel begins the transformation process that finally ends up in your car’s gas tank … with some chemical conversions and help from technology in between. Keep in mind, this video and the related learning materials below are only a introductory "primer" for the greater ethanol story. As with any science learning, also consider and evaluate the validity and sources of the materials, including videos — especially with potentially controversial topics such as ethanol production.

There’s so much more to learn with upcoming STEM-related videos and companion lesson activities; exploring the deeper science, technology, engineering and math, including the social and economic implications, of ethanol. This video and the companion lesson materials are designed for teachers and students to use in the classroom to foster ethanol discussions, or to launch related learning activities that you’ll find at the bottom of this page. You'll also find some helpful educational links below too, including our educational partners at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center,  and KEEP. You'll also find resource links from the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association, the Renewable Fuels Association and our friends at the Department of Energy.

Ethanol is a type of “biofuel” that is commonly blended in with gasoline, which most people use to fuel their automobiles. This “ethyl alcohol” is the same type of alcohol that can be found in alcoholic beverages, (consumed responsibly by adults) and it’s produced in a very similar way from the results of a “bio-chemical” reaction.


There's tons more to learn about ethanol history, how they make it, uses, and chemical reactions by opening the "Learn More" icon below. And be sure to share this with your classroom so your teacher can download the free companion lesson activities.


Did you ever wonder why we sleep only one night at a time yet bears sleep for five months? How do bumblebees survive winter underground when their body temperature is just above freezing? Discover the answers by watching this Serious Science video!

So what does it take to become a wetlands ecologist? Discover the answers by watching this Serious Science video and reading the information below. And to take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activity at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

To study wetlands ecology, scientists explore the relationship of all the non-living factors (abiotic) and the living parts (biotic) of an ecosystem. By studying these relationships and how they affect each other, scientists can gain a better understanding of how all the parts of wetlands function. That makes sense, right? So for you to discover firsthand how a wetland functions, let’s put you into the role of a wetland ecologist. It’s a fun way to learn about wetlands. First, you’ll need a wetland to study. Find one close to where you live and get the permission of your parents and landowners to visit and study it.

To make your job easy and to create a clear method of study, begin by drawing an ecological pyramid similar to the one shown here. Use a large piece of poster board that will give you plenty of room to add items to the different levels. The lowest level will contain the “abiotic factors”. The next level up will contain the “producers”. And the upper four levels will contain the “consumers”. But don’t fill in any of the levels yet.

Now it’s time to go explore and begin recording what you discover. Again, let your parents know where you’re going and why. Leave your poster at home. Take a journal to write in and go to your wetland. As you walk around the edge of the wetland, record everything that you think belongs in the bottom “abiotic factors” level. These are the non-living parts of the ecosystem that help support life in the levels above it. If you get wet feet or warm from the sun, you already have two big clues.


To learn the rest of this story on becoming a wetlands ecologist, just watch the video. But if you want to take this wetlands ecology stuff to a whole new lever, get your friends involved using the companion classroom Lesson Guide below.


wet.logoTo really get your feet wet in understanding the wetlands ecology, students and educators can learn all about the various roles of water in our lives by exploring Project WET's Discover Water. Just follow the link and dive into all the wet learning there.

And see the Learn More option below to... well learn more!

Plus, the educational partner noted below supported the video and companion lesson content here for all of us to learn from. They also offer other learning opportunities on their website. So click on their logo to discover more!

Learn how to safely navigate and trek the Ice Age Trail as you explore how the past impacts the present. Discover tips and tools for a learning adventure that will boost your health and your brain.

Whether making sand castles at the beach or drinking water from your tap, Glacial Geology Matters. Do you know why?

Discover the answers by watching this Serious Science video and reading the information below. And to take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activity at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

During the past 2.3 million years, a number of continental glaciers advanced and retreated many times across much of the Midwestern landscape. The last of these glaciers melted and retreated some 12,000 years ago. These massive flowing ice sheets reshaped much of the original landscape here while also depositing a variety of different sediments. So in the end, the glaciers changed much of the surface geology, and it's the geology of the land that affects a great many things in our lives today.

To discover how and why, either read "Learn More" or sit back and watch this video. To take this "cool" learning to a new level, check out the companion classroom Lesson Guide below that will really "reshape" your understanding of this glacial stuff.

Plus, the educational partner noted below supported the video and companion lesson content here for all of us to learn from. They also offer other learning opportunities on their website. So click on their logo to discover more!

Is it possible to identify glacial features while driving down the road? Discover the answers by watching this Serious Science video and reading the information below. And to take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activities at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

You might not realize it, but much of the Midwestern landscape that we see today was shaped by continental glaciers between 15,000 to 25,000 years ago. Hey, we wouldn't kid you, it's for real. These glaciers shaped the land in several ways. The ice that flowed slowly across the land both sculpted and deposited certain glacial features under the ice. When the ice front stopped flowing, ice meting at the front of the glacier deposited soils, sand and rocks trapped in the ice and formed other features. Even rivers that flowed on top of and beneath the glaciers deposited sand and gravel that formed some odd features. So what are some of these ice age features and how can we identify them? Okay we know that you're not a glacial geologist, but we'll give you an edge by using your computer.

To learn how, simply watch this video. Yeah, we suppose you could take some notes while you're at it, plus, read the "Learn More" section. To really explore some cool stuff about the landscape, use the Companion Lesson Guide below in your school so the whole class can become earth science geeks.

Plus, the educational partner noted below supported the video and lesson content here for all of us to learn from. They also offer other learning opportunities on their website. So click on their logo to discover more!