The relationship we have with wolves today stems from a long history of misunderstanding wolves.

By learning about wolf behavior and how human actions historically impacted their way of life, we can begin to understand the events that followed from a new perspective.

Join our Into the Outdoors Adventure Team as they meet up with a wildlife expert from the Ojibwe tribe to learn more about our history with wolves.

The transportation industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, but the industry is changing.

Join our Adventure Team member Aubrey as she learns about how electric vehicles, or EVs, are electrifying the transportation game.

From the greening of the grid to eliminating tailpipe emissions, leaders in the transportation industry are paving the way to a greener future.

Tag along to learn how to lower your carbon footprint and make a difference for the environment.

Are shooting sports great for all ages and skill levels?

If you like action-packed fun with family and friends, shooting sports might be the perfect sport for you! Find out more and how to safely and responsibly use firearms, shotgun sports, hunting and more.

How can students get involved in scholastic shooting sports at school? Along with making new friends and learning a new skill, are there also potential opportunities for scholarship dollars?

Check out this Into the Outdoors at Home video to find out more!

In this episode of Into the Outdoors, Adventure Team members Zach, Aubrey, Chloe and Charlie explore the changing energy industry and how some organizations are leading the way to a greener future.

From alternative energy-saving resources in the home to electrifying the transportation industry, our Adventure Team learns about lowering our individual carbon footprints.

But it doesn’t stop there!

Our team also learns about lowering the carbon footprint of entire communities through the greening of the electrical grid as well as investing in net zero designs for schools and businesses.

Tag along with us to see how the energy industry is flipping to switch to renewable energy!

From the tiniest of aquatic life to the largest creatures in the ocean, all are connected by a giant food web. In Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, this is no exception. With species like salmon that connect their food web to freshwater species and saltwater species, this can get a little confusing! Untangle this web with us as we learn how all species are connected, and how the health of these ecosystems are managed by the US Forest Service!

In this Into the Outdoors episode, discover the art of fly fishing and how this activity can be enjoyed at any stage of life. We follow the story of a young kid, his dad and grandpa as they venture into America’s Last Frontier — the Alaskan wilderness. Together, on the banks of a river in the Tongass National Forest, they use one of the oldest methods of fishing to catch an astounding thirty fish, everything from cutthroat trout to silver salmon. Between casts, you’ll learn about ecosystem science, aquatic biology and history while getting a firsthand look at the wildlife wonders in our nation’s largest National Forest. So what are you waiting for? Dive into this fly fishing adventure!

What happens when a tire is no longer usable? Where does it go? Join Into the Outdoors
Adventure Team as we investigate sustainable solutions for scrap tires.

Every year over 300 million tires are discarded in the US. In the past, they were thrown into
landfills or dumped illegally. That’s a lot of waste! But today there are many ways scrap tires
can be reused or recycled. The ITO Adventure Team travels to Michigan, Colorado and
Minnesota to learn how scrap tire disposal is being managed. We learn why illegal dumping is
hazardous to human health and the environment.

In Minnesota, we learn about Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA). It’s durable, light-weight,
permeable, and can be used in a variety of engineering and construction applications. It
prevents frost heaving, solves sinking soil issues, and can even be used to help clean storm-
water contaminants.

In Michigan and Colorado, we discover several other products made from scrap tires. Tires can
be shredded into different sizes for use as landscaping, molded products, road coverings, and
more. It can also be processed into Tire-Derived Fuel, which provides even higher BTUs than

Sometimes environmental issues feel like mountains, but with creative ideas and working
together, we can make a difference! If we can find sustainable solutions for a material like
tires…what other environmental solutions can we come up with?!

When you hear conservation, you may think research, improving habitat and protecting wildlife, but shooting sports also are a driving force behind funding.

Archery, trap shooting, sporting clays, long-range shooting or simply target practice for fun, all help fund conservation efforts.

On this episode of Into the Outdoors, we will learn more about the different kinds of shooting sports and meet people whose lives have been changed/improved due to their involvement.

Our Adventure Team will highlight: Archery, Scholastic Shooting Sports, Firearm Ranges and Conservation.