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Kid's Fishing 101
Classroom Videos
Kid's Fishing 101

https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/467139389Campgrounds across the country are hitting new attendance records as families are rediscover the fun and family connections made while camping. In addition to sharing stories round the campfire and roasting S’mores (here’s our favorite recipe ), one of the most exciting ways to have fun while camping is to go fishing. And since many campgrounds also offer fishing opportunities, it can be both fun and have an added bonus of feeding the family with a fresh fish dinner… that is IF you know how to catch a fish.

For those campers new to fishing, that big IF can be what stands between you and reeling in your catch. That’s why we’ve included educational videos on this page that offer sensible and simple methods for catching fish. Combining docks with worms, bobbers and bluegills is a simple introduction to freshwater fishing.

Common fish species that can be caught from a dock include, bluegill, sunfish, perch, crappie, catfish, bass (both largemouth and smallmouth). If you’re lucky,  some of the bigger predator fish such as northern pike and muskie. That’s why dock fishing can offer an easy, simple and relaxing way to catch fish, especially when using natural live bait like red worms, night crawlers, crickets and minnows.

One of the challenges of fishing from shore or a dock, however, is can be limitations associated with being near a very small area of water. There can also be only one type of fish that inhabit this aquatic ecosystem. To branch out, all you need to do is look out across the water to the other side of a big lake or river, or perhaps take note of how others are catching fish while in boats. By using your imagination, you can easily multiply your chances reeling in a catch almost anywhere on that water, and especially from a boat.

For tips on fishing from a boat, see our Into Family Fishing and Boating and Fishing 102 – From A Boat videos. (video thumbnails are located on the upper right of the page). If you’d really like to dive into some more educational fun about blending fishing, boating and camping, have your teacher use the free lesson activity below. It will really get you and your classroom thinking critically about how campgrounds can work with anglers and boaters to generate more happy campers by creatively developing fishing-boating facilities and activities. Learn more about this topic in the LEARN MORE section below.


You’ll discover in our video library of Getting Families Fishing episodes and the related educational topic videos, fishing and boating are fantastic ways to spend time with family, enjoy the outdoors, AND learn a thing or two along the way about aquatic science and yourself.

Explore the dozens of videos on fishing and aquatic science. These custom videos are designed to be shared with the entire classroom. You’ll also find other educational content, including custom lesson activities, that blend peer-driven learning with hands-on activities. All that’s left will be to catch an actual fish!

For even more information and resources related to fishing and boating, head to TakeMeFishing.org and DiscoverBoating.com. To learn more about America’s Getting Families Fishing Initiative, head over to the Future Angler Foundation.


To get serious about being a safe-n-smart angling boater, take the complete online boating safety course using the link below.

Official Boater Safety Coursesand Boat Safety Education Materials

Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard, approved by NASBLA and your state boating license agency, and approved by Transport Canada


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