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Wetlands Water Cycle
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Wetlands Water Cycle

So how does this water cycle thing work? Discover the answers by watching this Serious Science video and reading the information below. And to take this learning adventure into your classroom, have your teacher download the free Lesson Activity at the bottom of this page so everyone can share in the fun of this inquiry based learning.

Like many things on our planet, water is constantly changing. As it goes through its cycle, water can change from a solid, to a liquid, or even into a gas. This constant change helps our rivers to run, lakes to stay full, and supplies our homes with water. Without this cycle, our water supplies would be in trouble. The water cycle, or “hydrologic cycle” as our scientist friends call it, can be broken up into three major stages.

The first stage in the water cycle is “evaporation”. As the sun’s energy heats the surface of our lakes, rivers, plants and soil, the water begins to turn to “water vapor”. Steam coming off hot liquid is one way we can see water vapor. This water vapor is a gas that can rise up into the sky. Winds and air currents push the water vapor through the atmosphere until it forms into the next stage – clouds. Have you looked at the sky and wondered “where do all those clouds come from?” Well, they are an important part of the water cycle.

To discover the rest of this story that affects every aspect of life here on the "blue planet", watch this video. Or, to really dive into the depths of understanding the water cycle, try the companion Lesson Guide below in your classroom.

wet.logoTo really get your feet wet in understanding the water cycle, students and educators can learn all about the various roles of water in our lives by exploring Project WET's Discover Water. Just follow the link and dive into all the wet learning there.

Oh yeah, there's also lots more info below in "Learn More" expanded section. Enjoy the water.

Plus, the educational partner noted below supported the video and lesson content here for all of us to learn from. They also offer other learning opportunities on their website. So click on their logo to discover more!

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